Winter Dates Announced

12/23/14 - The Stanhope House - Stanhope, NJ
1/17/15 - Fearless Radio - Chicago, Il
1/18/15 - Daytrotter Sessions - Rock Island, Il
2/27/15 - The Greek's - Andover, NJ

Rigbi on Buzzfeed

We are very excited to share that our cover of Lorde's "A World Alone" was featured on Buzzfeed. If you haven't seen it yet, watch it here!

Rigbi Makes A Mixtape

Looking for some new music to hear? We teamed up with MAGNET Magazine and made our choice mixtape for 2014!



In 1998, when most of you were rocking Air Jordans and spending your Friday nights watching the X-Files, four unassuming tweens were decidedly not listening to Chumbawambah as they laid the foundations for a musical revolution. Rigbi officially became Rigbi in 2011, but they have been a group for the past 14 years. After several experiences with other bands and individual efforts, Jon Irizarry, Randy Sabo, and Brian Cornish came together for open studio sessions in early 2011. They quickly found a rhythm and gelled musically; however, lacking a name and a little glockenspiel (don't we all?) they added Pat Maloney to the group. The result was a more modern sound and a fuller presentation....and a name: Rigbi. Listening to Rigbi is a unique experience- upbeat, thought-provoking and fun. (imagine Keane and Vampire Weekend had a son and played Weezer tunes to him during his formative years).They will get you moving and smiling, like you've put on a red track suit, jumped into a Wes Anderson film and joined the Bombardment Society. Before you know it, you'll be in your car and driving to that girl's house to ask her to dance in the driveway (you know the one, she's waiting for you). Think of Rigbi as the four grown-up middle school guys sporting glasses and dodgy beards who are strumming, fingering and crooning the soundtrack to your ass-shaking and lawn-chair-sitting and road-tripping and beverage-consumption...because that's all they are really.



Rigbi - Visionary (2014)



Official YouTube Channel


Tour Dates